Ridgeline Park Community Playground

Ridgeline Park Community Parks 3133 S 350 W, Nibley, UT 84321 Park Amenities : Playground, Pickleball courts Visionary offers within Ridgeline Park a variety of amenities within the community, including a new community clubhouse and pool, pickleball courts, a playground, and a future 18-acre city park.
Nibley Firefly Park

Firefly Park 2456 S 800 W, Nibley, UT 84321 Park Amenities: A Nature Themed Playground As a nature themed park, it has a log balance beam, a hollow log crawl through, a frog jungle gym, and a spinning mushroom. Bathrooms. Nature Viewing stand. All the info on the FireFlies Did you know we had fireflies […]
Bike Mantua Lake

Enjoy Warm Fall afternoons at Mantua Lake This trail is a flat easy 4.2 miles (according to my app). There is ample parking. Several groups of bikers and dog walkers passed us on our journey around the lake. Savage Boy and I have fished here in his early years but this year I didn’t even […]
Ryan’s Place Park

History of Ryan’s Place Park A Memorial to Ryan’s Adams, words from a plaque at the park. Ryan’s Place Park was constructed by the love, generosity, and hard working people of Cache Valley and beyond. It is inspired by the love and joy of a 2 year old, Ryan Adams, who passed on to a […]
Hiking White Pine

White Pine Lake The hike is a 7.7 mile out and back trail in Logan Canyon. It is known as a moderate hike and took nearly 4 hours with a picnic at the lake. At the end of July Early August you will find gorgeous wild flowers. I was surprised to still see some at […]
Bandits Cove Frisbee Golf

Frisbee Golf First of all, download the app UDisc. It’ll bring up frisbee golf courses near you, score a game, learn difficulty, and more. But I actually found this course on accident while hiking the Blacksmith Fork River trail. Location of Bandits Cove This course is fun. I’m not sure who created it, but a […]
Hiking Rattlesnake Trail

Rattlesnake Trail Rattlesnake Trail is a popular hiking trail located in Sardine Canyon, in the Cache National Forest. There is a dirt parking area off the southbound lane of highway 89/91 not far from the Cache Valley Side of the Canyon. The trail is known for its beauty, wildlife, and, as the name suggests, the […]
Cache Valley Frisbee Golf

Cache Valley Frisbee Golf is one fun summer activity Savage Boy asked for a frisbee golf set after my daughter and her husband took him out one afternoon. I ordered this set on amazon and he’s been going to the park daily with his friends. He’s been begging me to go, so I set aside all the […]