Wind Caves at the End of March
i first hiked the wind caves in college, nearly 25 years ago. we hiked at dusk, i remember hearing coyotes before we reached the top. my second memory is tumbling off the trail as we hiked back down in the dark.
the trail head to the wind caves is located just over 5 miles up the canyon from logan. lists the hike as 3.5 miles, moderate. it is beautiful and i imagine the gorgeous scenery of greens and wildflowers later in the year, but in march we get cabin fever and head to the hills regardless of the weather. we weren’t alone either. the trail is a popular one.
the trail has switch backs but is child friendly, it is steep in spots and a little sketchy with the snow but over all we survived. even being completely out of shape this time of the year

 rates this hike as moderate for more details see their site here